Extend Manyconfig

Adding a file format

You can easily add support for a file format by adding a parser to Manyconfig.

Suppose you have a format with key/value pairs separated by an equal sign. This is how you would add support for your format:

from manyconfig import format_parsers

def parse(file_object):
    config = {}
    for line in file_object:
        key, value = line.split("=")
        config[key] = value
    return config

metaconfig = FileMetaConfig("key=value", "config")

You need to add the format parser before instanciating the FileMetaConfig.

Extend MetaConfig

To extend the MetaConfig class, you need to override the _load() method. It should return a dictionnary.

You can also override the __init__ method to capture arguments during instanciation, but please forward keyword-arguments to super.