Basic usage

In most cases, building a MetaConfig is meant to be declarative: You only declare and assemble objects, without the need to code the logic.

It integrates Marshmallow, which is a plentyful of features in itself, so look into it! (for example, use marshmallow for default values and runtime transformations)

Single source

For example, if you have a single json file named foo.json that contains your configuration, you can retrieve it by running this snippet:

from manyconfig import FileMetaConfig
metaconfig = FileMetaConfig("json", "foo.json")
config = metaconfig.load()

Or, if your configuration resides in the environment and all its keys begins with APPLICATION_, you could do:

from manyconfig import EnvironmentMetaConfig
metaconfig = EnvironmentMetaConfig("APPLICATION_")
config = metaconfig.load()

Multiple sources

Now, the two examples above can easily be dealt with without using Manyconfig. But it’s when there’s multiple sources of configuration that it comes in handy.

Say, you use both of above configuration sources, with the environment overriding the file. It’s still easy enough but think about configurations of programs like Bash, or flake8. They are far more complex but could be handled with MetaConfig blocks.

Let’s come back to our example and see how it looks:

from manyconfig import EnvironmentMetaConfig, FileMetaConfig, ManyConfig
env_metaconfig = EnvironmentMetaConfig("APPLICATION_")
file_metaconfig = FileMetaConfig("json", "foo.json")
metaconfig = ManyConfig(file_metaconfig, env_metaconfig)
config = metaconfig.load()

Validating configuration

Even though it’s not a dependency, Manyconfig is built with Marshmallow in mind. You can define a Schema class and use it to validate the configuration.

This is integrated in Manyconfig so no need to do it yourself. Just pass the instanciated schema to the MetaConfig block when you build it.

from manyconfig import FileMetaConfig
from marshmallow import Schema
from marshmallow.fields import Integer, String

class ConfigSchema(Schema):
    database = String()
    verbosity_level = Integer()

metaconfig = FileMetaConfig("json", "foo.json", schema=ConfigSchema())
config = metaconfig.load()
# yields something like {"database": "sql://foo", "verbosity_level": 42}

It can also be overriden at load time:

config = metaconfig.load(schema=SomeOtherSchema())